The Little Review

Welcome to Michelle Erica Green's corner of the internet, The Little Review -- making no compromises with the public taste.

Several periodicals have gone by the name The Little Review. "Making no compromises with the public taste" was the slogan of the groundbreaking journal by that name founded in Chicago in 1914.

This site doesn't pretend to have the same ambitions, but it seemed a suitable place to archive some of my editorial endeavors:

Margaret Anderson and 'The Little Review' Get Critical: Michelle Erica Green's Articles Michelle Erica Green's Photos
About The Editor Little Review Tarot A Little Book Club
My Resume Trivia and Personal Essays Kids' Art
Gratuitous Film and Television Fandom Pages Victorian and Modern Art and Poetry Guestbook

You can read my journal entries and interests at:
BloggerFacebookTwitterLiveJournalFlickrGoogle PlusInstagramShutterflyPinterestTumblrRedditPicasadel.icio.usDreamwidthDiggDeviantArtYouTubeWordpressCatster

Where you see the Chalice Well, you'll know it's me.

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All material on this site is (c) Michelle Erica Green. If you would like to link to The Little Review, you may download one of the buttons at the top of the page. Please do not repost, reprint or forward any Little Review content without written permission.