Winn. (Louise Fletcher). Politically ambitious Bajoran religious leader who succeeded Kai Opaka, following Opaka's disappearance in 2369. ("In the Hands of the Prophets" [DS9]). During the Cardassian occupation, Winn spent five years in a Cardassian prison, where she endured numerous beatings for having taught the word of the Prophets. ("Rapture"[DS9]).
While a member of the Vedek Assembly, Winn, a member of an orthodox order, engineered conflict on station Deep Space 9, claiming that the teaching of scientific theories on the origins of the Bajoran wormhole was inconsistent with Bajoran religious faith. Winn was, in fact, plotting to draw her political rival, Vedek Bareil, to the station, where Winn's co-conspirator attempted to assassinate him -- an unsuccessful effort to eliminate Bareil as candidate for kai. ("In the Hands of the Prophets" [DS9]). SEE: Neela.
Winn aggressively pursued the office, aligning herself with Minister Jaro Essa, who promised to make her the next kai, in return for her political endorsement of his bid to lead the government. ("The Circle" [DS9]). Continuing her quest, Winn uncovered evidence implicating her opponent, Vedek Bareil, in the infamous Kendra Valley Massacre. Bareil withdrew his candidacy, and Winn was elected kai in 2370. ("The Collaborator" [DS9]).
In 2371 Kai Winn surprised her political opponents when she concluded a historic peace accord with the Cardassians. Vedek Bareil, her former political rival, played a key role in negotiating the treaty and provided valuable advice to Winn during the final talks prior to signing. ("Life Support" [DS9]. SEE: Turrel, Legate.
Later that year following the sudden death of Bajoran First Minister Kalem, Winn was appointed to fill the remainder of his term. Despite her ambitions, Winn was politically inexperienced, and shortly after her appointment, she touched off a political controversy over a pair of soil reclamators. Winn nearly escalated the minor incident into civil war, and her resulting loss of popularity forced her to withdraw from the upcoming election for the next term as first minister. ("Shakaar" [DS9]).
In 2372, when Akorem Laan briefly assumed the role of Emissary, Kai Winn supported his view that Bajor should return to the traditional caste-based D'jarra system even if it meant giving up Federation membership. ("Accession" [DS9]). Winn had difficulty accepting Benjamin Sisko, a man from Earth, as the Emissary. Sisko's unexpected opposition to the Federation government in the matter of Bajor's admission to the Federation in 2373 helped her realize that he was, indeed, the one promised by ancient prophecy, a view further reinforced by Sisko's discovery of the sacred lost city of B'hala. Winn later said she was ashamed she had ever doubted he was the true Emissary. ("Rapture" [DS9]).
Winn's first appearance was in "In the Hands of the Prophets" [DS9].
Kai Winn souffle. Elaborate dessert created by Quark in 2371. The souffle was to honor Kai Winn's success in concluding a peace treaty with the Cardassians. The confection consisted of a large chocolate souffle topped with Haligian tongue sauce. ("Life Support" [DS9]).
Winn.* Ambitious Bajoran religious and political leader who betrayed her people by allying herself with the evil Pah-wraiths. In late 2373, Winn supported a startling Dominion proposal for a nonaggression pact with Bajor. Although Federation officials strongly opposed the move, Winn felt that a treaty with the Dominion might help assure her planet's survival in the event of a Dominion invasion through the wormhole. ("In the Cards" [DS9]).
Winn was uncomfortable with the fact that Benjamin Sisko, a non-Bajoran, had such an important role in Bajoran affairs as the Emissary to the Prophets. These feelings motivated her in 2374 to interfere with the will of the Prophets, when she interrupted the Reckoning, an epic battle between good and evil foretold by ancient prophecy. Ironically, the non-Bajoran Sisko demonstrated greater faith in Bajor's gods than did Winn. ("The Reckoning" [DS9]).
By late 2375, Winn bitterly resented the fact that Benjamin Sisko, a non-Bajoran, played such a major part in her religion, and she was thus an easy target for manipulation when Gul Dukat disguised himself as a Bajoran farmer. Winn was willingly seduced by Dukat, an agent of the evil Pah-wraith known as Kosst Amojan, who skillfully fed Winn's hatred and her ambition, turning her against the Prophets. ("'Til Death Do Us Part" [DS9], "Strange Bedfellows" [DS9]).
Winn schemed with Dukat to release the Pah-wraiths from the fire caves of Bajor ("The Changing Face of Evil" [DS9]). Although she nearly succeeded in unleashing all of the Pah-wraiths, Winn had a last-minute change of heart. She sacrificed herself so that the Emissary could permanently seal the Pah-wraiths in the fire caves, thereby ensuring the survival of not only the Bajoran people, but the Prophets themselves. ("What You Leave Behind" [DS9]).
"'Till Death Do Us Part" (DS9) established her given name as Adami.
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