While writing his memoirs, Delbert Mann made special mention of his respect and admiration for Lee Remick. He said, "While there are several whom I have truly loved and admired, it is enough to say that Lee was extremely high on that very special list, a real lady with a great sense of humor, and a dedicated professional actress of enormous skill. She was truly a special person. We worked together four times. We always hoped and planned for more in the future."

Just weeks before shooting was scheduled to begin in Toronto for the television movie, "Breaking Up," Delbert Mann received a frantic call from his wife, Ann, announcing the devastating news that their daughter, Susie, had been killed in a car crash. Mann immediately flew home to Los Angeles for the tearful memorial service.

Returning to work after the service, Mann flew with Lee Remick to Toronto to begin shooting the film, and found himself talking with her about his beloved daugher. He said, "Outside of Ann, I was able to talk it all out only once. My dear Lee sat next to me on the short flight from New York to Toronto and she understandingly allowed me to lay my pain on her. Just to say it all, one time, somehow released me from an enormous burden and it, in some strange way, enabled me to go ahead with what had to be done."

Though Delbert Mann was known for being serious and hard working, he had fun on his sets as well. One of his assistant directors, Mike Haley, was famous for practical jokes and Mann tells of one that occurred on the set of "The Gift of Love." Mike Haley pulled one of his stunts on Lee Remick by "knocking on the door in the middle of one of Lee's scenes. She went to answer it. Instead of the actor who was supposed to be there it was Mike, an apron covering him, holding a pizza on a tray. He asked who had ordered pizza. Lee started to laugh and then Mike turned away, revealing his bare behind as he walked away. Everyone on the set came quite unglued, Lee most of all."

Lee's death "was the ending of a very special relationship for me," Mann said. "The kind containing such superb professional work and the fun of the work and the warmth of personal affection. The two don't come together very often, and I cherish them and the memory of them when they do. They will always be warm and wonderful memories."

Resources: Delbert Mann Memoirs from "The Delbert Mann Papers"

-- by Allison

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