In 1992, my husband made me a Star Trek Tarot deck as an anniversary present, thus combining two of my long-time passions. He illustrated the deck; I chose many of the images for the cards and wrote paragraphs about why I chose the specific Trek images to replace the traditional Tarot archetypes. We hand-colored our deck and sent Pocket Books a copy of the black and white line drawings, but Pocket does not have a card license for Star Trek and Decipher doesn't publish Tarot. Which is a shame, because I would love to write a book with chapters on Tarot card history and interpretation, Star Trek archetypes, how to use the cards as psychological tools and some examples of Trek-specific spreads like The Comm Badge or the IDIC.
The cards are approximately 2.5 x 5" as is standard for many Tarot decks. Because this deck was entirely based on the original series, we were able to illustrate an element from every episode. I wrote notes on all 78 cards in the Major and Minor Arcana. The characters and scenarios from Star Trek are all trademarks of Paramount Pictures. The graphics and text on this page are copyright Paul Anderson and Michelle Erica Green, 1992. They have never been distributed or sold for profit. If you wish to save the images for your own amusement, that's fine, but do not print, repost or adapt and create your own deck based on this template.
0 The Seeker Chekov Traditionally the symbol of courage, innocence, faith, and adventure, The Seeker epitomizes Star Trek's commitment "to boldly go where no man has gone before." Pavel Chekov, one of the youngest members of the Enterprise crew, represents the daring spirit of the travelers -- though he has been known, as in "The Deadly Years," to emit a terrified scream.
1 The Magician Scotty Montgomery Scott, supervisor and guardian angel of the ship's engines, has been described as no less than a miracle worker A tireless worker and competent commanding officer, he has been known to drink a wee bit much. His extracurricular activities get him into trouble in "Wolf in the Fold."
2 The High Priestess T'Pau The only person ever to turn down a seat on the Federation council, Vulcan matriarch T'Pau possesses formidable power, whether negotiating with Starfleet Command or overseeing Speck's wedding in "Amok Time."
3 The Empress Uhura Presiding over communications from her corner of the Bridge, Lieutenant Nyota Uhura reflects wisdom and steadfastness. Her quiet work in the background is essential to the success of the Enterprise's missions, as in "Tomorrow Is Yesterday," when her monitoring of old Earth communications saves the ship from an attack by the U.S. military of 1960.
4 The Emperor Kirk The leadership and charisma of James Tiberius Kirk form the backbone of Star Trek. His ability to use both logic and compassion in synthesizing innovative approaches to the ship's encounters have strengthened the Federation and Starfleet as well as his own crew. Although often falls under the spell of beautiful women, as in The Mark of Gideon and to indulge his personal frustrations, as in "Obsession," his all-too-human qualities have also saved the ship and its crew innumerable times.
5 The Heirophant McCoy Leonard McCoy is a man of deep compassion, a teacher and healer who, despite his own protestations, has also served successfully as engineer, bricklayer, and psychiatrist as well as chief of medicine aboard the Enterprise. Too often he finds himself fighting for emotion in a world of military logic or, as in "The Omega Glory," treating the wounded on both sides of a war.
6 The Lovers Sarek and Amanda Spock's parents seem at first a most unlikely couple: the Vulcan Sarek's calm demeanor contrasts with the human Amanda's intensely emotional outbursts. Yet during the course of "Journey To Babel," the closeness and mutual respect between the two of them underlines Sarek's claim that they married because "it seemed the logical thing to do."
7 The Chariot The U.S.S. Enterprise The spaceship that travels the final frontier has been called a beautiful woman by its captain and compared to a baby by its chief engineer. Menaced by Klingon and Romulan disruptors, high-warp tractor beams, time warps, radiation, and huge spacefaring creatures like the one-celled organism in "The Immunity Syndrome," the crew always pulls the ship through-and vice versa.
8 Strength The Romulan Commander This card traditionally denotes lust and passion as well as power and physical prowess. The woman who commands the Romulan fleet that entraps the Enterprise is undone by her desires despite her formidable strength. In "The Enterprise Incident," she allows her interest in Spock to cloud her judgment, and loses a prized Romulan weapon as a result.
9 The Hermit Spock The logical, nonemotional Vulcan First Officer of the Enterprise is a study in contemplation, introspection, and wisdom, so much so that a group of alien women steal his brain to run their entire civilization. However, the half-Vulcan's control has been known to break down explosively during pon farr, under the influence of certain viruses and spores, and in the midst of uncanny circumstances such as those in "The Savage Curtain," when he witnesses the murder of Surak, father of Vulcan philosophy.
10 The Wheel of Fortune The Guardian of Forever A key to the prosperity or downfall of entire cultures, the Guardian -- which is both machine and being -- has access to the pasts and futures of every civilization in the galaxy, and can permit direct access to the time stream. In "The City on the Edge of Forever," Earth's history is accidentally changed, and Kirk and Spock must go through the Guardian to correct it.
11 Justice Sulu Hikaru Sulu, ship's navigator, demonstrates the same balance and adjustment in his life that he must call upon in his work. Often he must maintain the voice of calm when other crewpersons have lost their heads, such as in "The Squire of Gothos" when he must restrain an angry ensign. His hobbies reflect his eclectic tastes -- fencing, gardening, and military history.
12 The Hanged Man Lazarus This card represents an end to old patterns and a transformation of life. In "The Alternative Factor," one man must surrender to his insane alter ego -- his double from a parallel universe -- in order to safeguard both his own universe and that of his nemesis.
13 Death Losira A symbol of release and summation as well as mortality, death is represented by Losira, the long-deceased, deadly guardian of "That Which Survives." Though they fear her replicas following attacks on crewmen, the Enterprise officers learn that Losira's image is all that survives of her entire culture.
14 Temperance Edith Keeler The "slum area angel" of "The City on the Edge of Forever," Edith Keeler symbolizes the mediative powers and creative prowess of Temperance. Tragically, she lives at a focal point in time, and her death is necessary for the continuation of Earth's history; if Kirk allowed her to live in an alternate past timeline, her pacifism and political activism would enable the Nazis to win the Second World War. Her compassion and social commitment save Dr. McCoy's life.
15 The Devil Khan A genetically engineered world leader from Earth's past, Khan combines tremendous strength and intelligence with ruthless megalomania and cynical cunning. In "Space Seed," he attempts a takeover of the Enterprise as prelude to a wider attempt at domination; he is not successful, but he wins a planet for his followers and the love of an Enterprise officer.
16 The Tower The Amerind Obelisk In "The Paradise Syndrome," the Enterprise travels to divert an asteroid threatening an idyllic world inhabited by descendants of Native Americans. Although the crew is unsuccessful in its mission, Spock is able to decode the ancient symbols on the obelisk left on the planet to preserve its people, diverting the asteroid and saving the culture.
17 The Star Nurse Chapel Christine Chapel works closely with Dr. McCoy in the diagnosis and treatment of patients in Sickbay. Once engaged to scientist Roger Korby, she has since fallen in love with Mr Spock even going so far as to make him Vulcan plomeek soup. In the episode "Turnabout Intruder," she is forced to assist a doctor working to destroy Captain Kirk so that a disturbed woman can take over his body -- and his role on the ship.
18 The Moon Sargon Thousands of years ago, warring factions destroyed a planet, leaving nothing behind but the mental emanations of several powerful individuals stored in large globes. Kirk, Spock and a woman on their crew allow the consciousnesses to "borrow" their forms, but the aliens discover that, once within human bodies, they are reluctant to give them up. The card representing choice, duty, and value reflects the dilemma of "Return to Tomorrow."
19 The Sun Apollo In "Who Mourns For Adonis?", Kirk and his crew encounter the Ancient Greek sun god, now in exile following human disinterest in his fellow deities. The god demands worship, but the ingenuity and collaborative spirit of the Enterprise offiicers enable them to defeat his powers.
20 Judgment The Organians Starfleet officers and Klingons arrive simultaneously on what appears to be a backward planet. The Federation seeks to develop it, the Empire to exploit it. But the Organians -- who prove to be powerful energy creatures rather than the simple matter-bound beings they appear -- disrupt the "Errand of Mercy" by destroying the weapons of both sides, forcing a peace treaty to be negotiated and promising to intervene if the combative cultures do not keep the peace. Their intervention commences a new era between the Federation and the Klingon Empire.
21 The Universe The IDIC The symbol of "infinite diversity in infinite combinations," this Vulcan symbol reflects the inter-relationship and interdependence of all things. Spock wears it in "Is There In Truth No Beauty?" to honor a woman attempting a mind-link with a completely alien life form.
Majors ~ Wands ~ Swords ~ Cups ~ Pentacles